Can I eat before yoga?
It’s better to have a more or less empty stomach during a yoga session, so leave at least 90 minutes between a main meal and yoga.
What should I wear to class?
We recommend wearing loose, light, and comfortable clothing suitable for exercise.
What should I bring to class?
Please bring your own yoga mat to class.
I'm not flexible - can I do yoga?
Yes! In fact you are a perfect candidate for yoga. Yoga is for everyone, and although at the beginning some of the postures might seem hard, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can feel the benefits.
Can I do Yoga during my menstrual cycle?
Depends on how you feel and your personal preferences. Some individuals may choose not to participate during the first few days of their menstrual cycle, but this is entirely up to you as an individual. It’s important to respect your body and listen to what feels right for you.