SAUCHA is PURITY, purity within you. Cleanliness of the body, the environment, and the mind. Part of one of the 8 limbs of yoga-Niyamas or inner observances.
Let's talk about Decluttering -a practice towards SAUCHA
Decluttering has a deep connection and holistic impact to our mind and body. For some its a way to minimalism and for some its a heightened awakening.
Decluttering of your mind & body- popularly known as Detoxification
Kapalbhathi -one of the 6 yogic cleansing technique (shatkriya). The name Kapalbhathi is powerful in itself which means- "skull shining". This practice of powerful exhalations oxygenates every tissue in your body. It activates your brain cells and allows blood flow through your body.
Chanting an ancient practice that heals your mind through powerful vibrations. Chanting Mantras like OM decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety and removes negative energy.
Asanas like Halasana (plough pose). This requires some practice to master but allowing your body to be positioned in such a way has a powerful impact on your spine which makes your mind alert and body energized.
Decluttering your space-
A daunting task, but once we realize that our personal space is a reflection of who we are, we can let go of the clutter. its about becoming sensitized to the energy around us; Letting go!